New flying vehicle – level 3

16-03-2022 07:00

Washington State’s Zeva Aero is developing a disc-shaped flying vehicle, and its inventors believe that it’ll change the personal transportation landscape.

The zero emission electric vehicle takes off vertically, and then it flies forward at 260 kmph. They designed it to hold a single person, and its early version is currently undergoing an exhaustive test program for human-piloted flights.

The vehicle is an octocopter, which means it has eight motors. Four motors are on the top and four in the bottom plane, and each one is optimized for its position. The body itself is curved, and it creates lift when the vehicle moves through the air.

If the tests are successful, one of the first customers could be medics to get them to the scene of an accident to treat trauma victims. A number of wealthy people have also approached the company, and they would like to use the vehicle to fly from their lake houses or yachts to the city. The estimated price of the vehicle is 250,000 dollars.

Difficult words: octocopter (an unmanned helicopter that has eight rotors), optimize (to make the best or most effective use of something), lift (upward movement).

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