Oil-free Lego bricks – level 3

19-16-2024 15:00

Danish toymaker Lego has abandoned a high-profile project to replace oil-based plastics in its bricks.

They discovered that using a new material made from recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) would result in higher carbon emissions. Lego’s CEO Niels Christiansen explained that they had tested numerous materials but failed to find a suitable alternative. Nevertheless, Lego remains committed to sustainability and plans to create toys from eco-friendly materials by 2032.

The company embarked on this journey in 2020 to replace its plastic bricks with sustainable options. The main challenge was finding a material that was both environmentally friendly and retained the same color, shine, and sound as the oil-based plastic bricks.

Difficult words: abandon (to give up), embark (to start a journey), retain (continue to have, keep).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What was the main challenge that Lego faced in their journey to replace plastic bricks with sustainable options?


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