Operation Changes Her Life – level 3

03-04-2017 07:00

A medical team in the US has done a life-changing surgery on a baby. Dominique was born with four legs and two spines, which were the remains of an underdeveloped twin.

The twin was attached to the back of Dominique’s neck. There were functional legs that moved and feet coming out of the back of her neck. This made life extremely dangerous for the baby.

Thanks to the efforts of a strong medical team, she got a new chance for life. One of the members of the medical team said that the surgery was very difficult. The most critical part was the junction of the two spines. Once the doctors had control of that, they knew that the surgery would be finished successfully.

Five days after the surgery, doctors released Dominique. She is now in the care of an American foster family. People expect her to live a full and normal life.

Difficult words: spine (the line of bones down the centre of the back), junction (a connection), release (let go), foster family (people who are not a natural family, but look after the baby).

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