People destroy old shelters – level 3

24-05-2021 15:00

Juukan Gorge is a place in western Australia that contained 46,000-year-old aboriginal rock shelters.

In May 2020, Rio Tinto, an iron company, destroyed these shelters to make a mine after not listening to the traditional owners. There was a public protest, as the shelters contained some of the oldest and continuous human habitations.

Burchell Hayes from an aboriginal organization says that they all needed to work together. He says that the group is not opposed to mining, but they all want to be around the table when it comes to making decisions about the impact on their country. They’re not going to let this to happen again. He also says that no amount of money will ever replace what was lost.

In a backlash, four of Rio Tinto’s executives lost their jobs from the incident, and company owners did not give other executives extra pay.

Difficult words: habitation (a place where people live), be around the table (to be part of a process, to have a conversation), backlash (a strong negative reaction), executives (bosses).

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