People live in a 3D-printed house – level 3

07-05-2021 15:00

A Dutch couple have become Europe’s first tenants of a fully 3D-printed house, the first completed home of five for ’Project Milestone’ in the city of Eidhoven, Netherlands.

The single-story house was inspired by the shape of a boulder, and its dimensions and shapes would be difficult and expensive to construct using traditional methods. It’s the first legally habitable and commercially-rented property where the load-bearing walls have been made using a 3D printer nozzle.

The printer makes layers of concrete into walls following a design. The method is seen as a way to cut costs and environmental damage by reducing cement use.

Difficult words: boulder (a large smooth rock), load-bearing (a wall that supports much of the weight of a building’s structure), nozzle (a narrow piece attached to the end of a tube to direct a flow of something).

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