People throw black pudding – level 3

23-09-2014 07:00

The World Black Pudding Throwing Championships took over a street in Lancashire on Sunday as competitors showed off their skills.

Yes, that’s right, a bunch of people gathered together in a small English village to throw a pudding made up of congealed pig’s blood, fat and some intestines. Lovely!

“Black puddings, absolutely disgusting I wouldn’t have one out of choice. The best thing you can do with one is throw it away.”

And that’s exactly what they did.

In order to take part competitors must stand on a golden grid block and hurl the black pudding into the air with the hope of knocking as many Yorkshire puddings off a pedestal as possible.

Surprisingly, it’s quite a popular contest and has been running for over 100 years, and this year’s winner is pretty thrilled about it.

“I can’t believe it. I’m 63 years old and I must be one of the oldest World Champions about, so I just can’t believe it.”

But who knows what could happen to the future of the competition. Black puddings are traditionally a Scottish dish and the country is voting on a referendum for independence in the next few days.

Difficult words: take over (to block), bunch (group), gather (to meet somewhere), congealed (thickened), intestines (long tube in your body through which food passes after it leaves your stomach), lovely (this word is being used as a joke in this context), throw it away (to get rid of something AND to throw something), grid (metal frame with bars across it), referendum (when people quickly send a change they want to their politicians).



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