Plastic Bags and Coronavirus – level 2

15-04-2020 07:00

Some US states banned single-use plastic bags in stores. However, they are changing their rules now because of the coronavirus. A lot of people are using reusable shopping bags, which could help spread the coronavirus.

San Francisco was one of the first cities in the US that banned plastic bags. Now, the city introduced new rules. Customers cannot bring their own bags or mugs to stores.

Authorities recommend that customers keep a six-foot distance from others when they are in the store. It is also important to wear a face mask and to clean the shopping cart with wet wipes. When people come home, it is necessary to wash their hands.

Difficult words: single-use (when people use something only once, and then they throw it away), reusable (when people can use something more than once), shopping cart (a basket on wheels that people use in supermarkets).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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