Protests over Fukushima water – level 3

31-08-2023 07:00

Protesters in South Korea gathered to demand action from the government against the perceived threat posed by Japan’s release of treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.

Despite objections from fishing communities and concerns about environmental impact, Japan began discharging the water on Thursday. About 50,000 people participated in the protest, expressing worries about potential risks to the local fishing industry.

Japan and scientific groups assert that the water, distilled to remove contaminants, is safe. Tokyo Electric Power, responsible for the plant, filtered the water but left the radioactive isotope tritium. Although South Korea sees no scientific issues, environmental activists believe the potential effects haven’t been adequately studied.

Difficult words: assert (to state as a fact), distill (to purify), isotope (a different form of the same element).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What steps should the South Korean government take to protect its citizens from potential risks associated with Japan's release of tritium-treated radioactive water?


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