Russian soldiers leave the Ukraine border – level 2

28-04-2021 15:00

A few weeks ago, Russia moved more than 100,000 soldiers, tanks, planes and ships to Crimea and other places near the border with Ukraine. Ukraine and many Western countries worried that Russia planned to attack Ukraine.

Ukraine and its allies wanted Russia to move the soldiers away, but Russia did nothing. Russia said that soldiers had a training there.

Then last week, thousands of Russian soldiers left the area. Russian officials released a video which showed that the soldiers were leaving. Russian warships moved away from the Ukrainian border, too.

Russia said that all soldiers would leave the area by May 1, but some tanks and other things would stay there for autumn training. Some countries worry that the situation could get more serious again.

Difficult words: ally (a country which officially helps another country, usually during a war), release (to make something available for people to watch it), warship (a very big ship which has guns for use in war).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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