Scientists Climb Mount Everest – level 3

02-06-2020 07:00

A team of scientists from China’s Ministry of National Resources have scaled Mount Everest as a part of a project to remeasure its height.

China’s network of satellites is being used in the survey to determine the mountain’s current height and natural resources. The survey team is also collecting data on snow depth, weather, and wind speed to help glacier monitoring and natural protection.

Chinese scientists are likely to be the only people to summit the world’s tallest mountain this year. Both China and Nepal canceled spring climbing season due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mount Everest is located in the Himalayas, and the China-Nepal border runs across its highest point. The current official elevation of 29,029 feet is officially recognized by both China and Nepal.

Difficult words: glacier (a mass of ice that is slowly moving down a slope), summit (to reach the highest point of a mountain), elevation (the height above the sea level).

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