Skin cancer vaccine – level 3

01-05-2024 07:00

In the UK, a trial for the first personalized vaccine against deadly melanoma is ongoing.

This mRNA vaccine helps the immune system target and eliminate cancerous melanoma cells. What makes this vaccine unique is its personalized nature. It is tailored to each patient and matches their tumor’s genetic signature. The vaccine stimulates the body to produce proteins and antibodies that attack specific cancer cell markers and offers hope for reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.

Similar trials are underway in Australia and other countries.

The vaccine utilizes mRNA technology like some COVID vaccines. If the trial is successful, it could potentially extend to treating other types of cancers such as lung, bladder, and kidney cancers.

Difficult words: melanoma (skin cancer), mRNA (a type of genetic material), recurrence (return of a disease).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What is the potential impact of a personalized mRNA vaccine for melanoma and other types of cancers?


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