SpaceX Passes Test – level 3

24-01-2020 15:00

SpaceX tested the in-flight abort system of the Crew Dragon astronaut capsule; this was one of the last important steps for this project.

The successful test happened at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. The test showed the Crew Dragon capsule break off from SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket after launch to show what it would do in an emergency.

The SpaceX CEO and NASA Administrator spoke about the test that it went “picture-perfect”, and Americans may soon send astronauts again to space.

NASA is working with SpaceX and Boeing to develop capsule systems to take US astronauts to the International Space Station. The US’s Space Shuttle program retired in 2011.

CNN said that the Crew Dragon could finish its certification soon.

Difficult words: abort system (a program that allows a person in a flying vehicle to escape if there is an emergency), capsule (a smaller part of a larger thing), picture-perfect (without any errors or mistakes).

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