Swim in the Antarctic – level 3

15-11-2017 15:00

Lewis Pugh, a British endurance swimmer, braved the icy waters of the Antarctic Ocean to call for conservation around the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia.

He later said that the swim had been one of the toughest he had ever done because the water was just two degrees centigrade. Pugh then explained the reason that he is doing these swims is to highlight how important it is to try and protect the wildlife.

The 47-year-old lawyer successfully completed the daring dip in 18 minutes, and he became the first person to take the plunge at King Edward Cove.

Difficult words: endurance swimmer (a swimmer who swims in difficult conditions), brave (manage, confront), daring (brave), dip (swim), plunge (a swim, a jump, a dive), cove (a small, sheltered bay).

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