Terminator and an elephant – level 3

06-12-2023 15:00

While on safari in South Africa, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the American actor known for playing the Terminator, had a very close encounter with an elephant.

Someone filmed a video of the elephant getting a little too close to the car, which he shared with his 5.4 million followers on Instagram just after it happened.

The dramatic meeting, however, did not put him off elephants. He tweeted that he is in awe of them and wishes people would stop killing them for their ivory and to take a photo instead of a shot.

Difficult words: encounter (a meeting), be in awe of (feel awe for – a feeling of respect mixed with fear or wonder), ivory (the material of an elephant’s tusks – the two big horns that come out of the front of the elephant), shot (a shot from a gun).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What advice would you give to people visiting South Africa's national parks to avoid similar situations with wild animals?


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  2. Talk with this person. You can answer questions from Speak in Levels.


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