The biggest explosion in the universe – level 2

17-05-2023 07:00

Astronomers saw the biggest cosmic explosion ever. The explosion, called AT2021lwx, is more than 10 times brighter than any known supernova.

Scientists believe that the explosion is 100 times the size of the solar system and it is about 2 trillion times brighter than our sun. The explosion probably happened when a supermassive black hole sucked a huge cloud of gas. The gas cloud probably came from the big dusty “doughnut” that usually surrounds black holes.

The explosion has been going on for over three years, which makes it the most powerful explosion which people could ever see.

Difficult words: cosmic (relating to the universe), supernova (when a star explodes), supermassive (very strong and big).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What are the implications of this cosmic explosion for the universe?


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