Too Many Monkeys – level 1

15-07-2020 15:00

Lopburi is a city in Thailand. About 6,000 macaques live in the city. Thousands of tourists come to see the monkeys every year. Tourists take pictures of the monkeys. Tourists give them food.

However, the coronavirus stops tourism. Tourists do not come to the city. The monkeys are hungry. They start to get violent. They attack each other and people in the streets, too.

Local people give the monkeys sweets, sweet drinks, and cereals. It brings another problem. Monkeys start to have more sex. The number of monkeys is growing fast.

Officials must solve the problem. Vets sterilize the monkeys. They cannot have babies again.

Difficult words: macaque (a type of a monkey with a long face), vet (an animal doctor), sterilize (to stop someone from having a baby).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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