UAE wind energy project – level 1

11-10-2023 07:00

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has its first big wind energy project. A company called Masdar does it.

This project can make electricity for 23,000 houses every year. It also helps the air. 120,000 tons of CO2 emissions will not get into the air. It is the same as taking away 26,000 cars.

Masdar works with two other companies, PowerChina and GoldWind International. These three companies make special turbines. These turbines can make power even if the wind is not very strong. UAE likes clean energy. They also have solar and nuclear energy. UAE will host a big climate summit soon. They want to show that they care about the planet.

Difficult words: emission (bad things which get into the air), turbine (a machine which moves through water or air to make energy), summit (a meeting between leaders of countries).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What other clean energy sources are available in the UAE besides wind, solar and nuclear energy?


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