Ukrainian Plane Crash – level 3

15-01-2020 15:00

Experts from Iran and Ukraine met in Tehran to investigate the Ukrainian International Airlines plane crash.

The Boeing 737-800 NG plane disappeared from radar shortly after the departure from an airport in Tehran on Wednesday morning. None of the 176 people on board the plane to Kiev survived.

A preliminary report by Iran’s aviation regulator said that the plane attempted to turn back to the airport when it went down. The report also said that the plane was in flames at the time.

Ukrainian officials say that investigators are considering a wide range of reasons why the plane crashed, such as an engine malfunction, a collision with a flying object, a missile strike, or a terrorist attack.

Investigators have found the planes black boxes; however, it is unclear if Iran or Ukraine have the capability to analyze them.

Difficult words: radar (a system that can see things move far away such as planes in the sky or boats in the ocean), preliminary (coming before the main event or action), malfunction (a failure to function properly).

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