Very Hot Weather in India – level 3

01-06-2015 07:00

A heat wave in India has meant even the roads have melted. Temperatures have soared to 47°C in some parts and the heat has now claimed 1,700 lives in just one week. This year’s seen the highest numbers of deaths caused by the heat since 1995.

The searing weather has left tens of thousands of people in New Delhi without power supply due to an overused electricity grid. Local hospitals have also been struggling to treat victims of heatstroke over the past few days. Authorities have warned people to stay out of the sun,

cover their heads and drink plenty of water.

The monsoon is forecast to hit the southern state of Kerala next week before sweeping across the country. But it will be weeks before the cooling rains meets India’s arid plains.

Difficult words: soar (to increase quickly), searing (extremely hot), struggle (to do something difficult and to have problems doing it), heatstroke (fever and weakness caused by being outside in the heat of the sun for too long), monsoon (a lot of rain for a long time), arid (dry and hot).



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