Walt Disney World – level 1

03-06-2020 07:00

Walt Disney World is a big company. It has many theme parks. People visit theme parks to have fun. Shows and parades happen in theme parks.

People love Disney movies. They visit Disney theme parks. People meet Disney characters there. They buy things with Disney characters, such as toys and clothes.

Theme parks close because of the coronavirus. Now, the parks start to open again. However, there are strict rules. Visitors and employees must wear face masks. They must not visit the park when they have a high body temperature. Organizers cancel some shows with many people. Also, there are more places to wash your hands.

Some theme parks in Orlando, Florida, USA, start to open in June. More parks open in July.

Difficult words: theme park (a place with rides, games, and shows with one similar idea), parade (a show when people walk in special clothes, do tricks, play music, or ride on special vehicles along a street, and other people watch them), temperature (how warm something is).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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