Waterspouts in Cuba – level 3

07-07-2016 15:00

A powerful force of nature captured on camera. This waterspout was one of a number seen in Playa Caimito in southern Cuba on Saturday. The spouts appeared amid a severe storm, and moved onshore, levelling homes and leaving dozens injured.

This resident said, “It was an enormous disaster, very big. My children and I were inside my home and thank God, my neighbour put my children under the bed. I was in the living room with all the rubble on top of me. It was horrible.”

According to local media, this is the first time waterspouts have been recorded in this area. Thankfully, it appears no one was killed, but days on, families in this town are still coming to terms with damage caused by the freak storm.

Difficult words: waterspout (a rotating column of water over the sea), dozens (many), enormous (very large), rubble (the broken pieces of a building), days on (days later), to come to terms with something (come to accept), freak (something which is abnormal or extremely unusual).

Source: www.ondemandnews.com


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