Wild Animals in Town – level 3

07-04-2020 07:00

A herd of over 100 goats have taken advantage of the coronavirus lockdown, and they invaded a deserted town center in Wales. Usually, the wild herd of Kashmiri goats only venture into Llandudno, a town in north Wales, during bad weather.

Local residents say that this time, the opportunistic goats were drawn by empty streets. The animals have spent the past three days feasting on garden hedges and flowers. Concerned residents contacted local police to gather up the goats.

However, it did not stop the goats from coming back, and they were spotted the next morning enjoying the sunshine. With the streets unnaturally quiet, the goats have been left to wander undisturbed.

Difficult words: herd (a large group of animals such as horses, deer or goats), venture (to go on a risky journey), feast (to enjoy a large meal that is served at a special occasion).

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