Women must cover faces again – level 3

13-05-2022 07:00

Afghanistan’s Taliban government ordered women to cover their faces in public. The policy is a return to their past strict rules, and the escalation of restrictions caused anger at home and abroad.

According to the rule, if a woman doesn’t cover her face outside her home, the police may prison her father or closest male relative, or bosses may fire them from state jobs. The ideal face covering is the all-encompassing blue burqa that women wore in public during Taliban’s rule in 1996 – 2001. Most women in Afghanistan wear a headscarf for religious reasons; however, in urban areas, such as Kabul, many women don’t cover their faces.

Western governments and some religious scholars and Islamic nations have criticized Taliban for limiting women’s rights, including closing girls’ high schools. In recent months, the Taliban brought in regulations that limit women’s movements without a male chaperone, and they ban men and women from visiting parks together.

Difficult words: escalation (an increase in the intensity or seriousness of something), encompass (to cover or surround), chaperone (a person who supervises another person or people in public).

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