Women row across the Pacific – level 3

02-02-2016 15:00

They spent 257 days at sea and they made history! Four British women have become the first all-female team to row across the Pacific Ocean.

The Coxless Crew spent nine months at sea, rowing 8,446 miles (13,600 km). They set off from San Francisco in April, 2015 and arrived in Cairns in Australia on 25 January, 2016. On the way, they encountered heavy storms and humpback whales.

“We’ve had sharks circling, we had a couple of sharks that followed us for a few weeks.”

The team consisted of three permanent members and three others who each rowed part of the way. The journey saw them make a landfall twice – in Hawaii and Samoa, for up to a week to restock supplies. Rowing in pairs in two-hour shifts, they slept for only about 90 minutes at a time.

They were greeted by family and friends with hugs and cheers.

“It was amazing to see them, and I’m sure even more amazing for them to know that we’re here and we’re not going back on that boat!”

It was all in aid of charity raising money for Walking with the Wounded and Breast Cancer Care. Even though it did take three months longer th

an planned, they set two records as the first team of women and the first team of four to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Difficult words: encounter (to meet unexpectedly), landfall (an arrival at land on a sea journey), restock (to get more of something), supplies (food and things that you need).

Source: www.ondemandnews.com


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