Yoga for Dogs – level 3

21-02-2018 15:00

As we have entered the Chinese Year of the Dog, why not pick up a new dog-related hobby like yoga for dogs or doga?

People invented doga, in the USA, and it has quickly gained popularity around the world, it is now the newest craze to hit Britain. It allegedly offers a spiritual release for both pets and their owners who do doga together.

One doga-goer said that she believes that your dog feels everything that you feel, and when the owner is at a state of peace, the dog is at a state of peace, as well.

Doga sessions cost about £25 for one inter-species pair.

Difficult words: craze (a trend), allegedly (according to what people say), spiritual release (when someone feels at peace), inter-species pair (a pair of two different species – animal kind; one is a dog, the other one is human).

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