Search Result For operation

Man has a special operation – level 1

16-06-2015 15:00

This news is about a young man. He is...

Man has a special operation – level 2

16-06-2015 15:00

An 18-year-old South African man was circumcised, but something...

Successful operation in China – level 1

22-01-2015 15:00

An accident happens in China. The accident injures a...

Successful operation in China – level 2

22-01-2015 15:00

A person in China was in a traffic accident...

Successful operation in China – level 3

22-01-2015 15:00

Doctors in China performed the world’s first spinal cord...

Manchester United in debt – level 2

12-07-2024 07:00

England’s Manchester United had a bad season and lost...

Manchester United in debt – level 3

12-07-2024 07:00

Manchester United had the worst-ever Premier League season and...

Brazilian athletes and the Olympics – level 3

14-05-2024 07:00

Brazilian athletes, originally from Rio Grande do Sul, are...

The EU plans sanctions on Russian gas – level 3

13-05-2024 07:00

On Wednesday, the EU countries started negotiations on the...

TikTok algorithm – level 3

02-05-2024 07:00

TikTok’s recommendation algorithm has once again come under the...