5G near airports – level 3

25-01-2022 07:00

In a move to prevent a significant disruption to US flights, telecommunication giants AT&T and Verizon agreed to temporarily stop 5G service on some wireless towers near important US airports.

The Federal Aviation Administration warned that possible 5G wireless interference could affect sensitive airplane devices such as altimeters, and significantly affect low visibility work. It wasn’t immediately clear how many towers the wireless companies agreed not to activate; however, it was the third time that the companies agreed to delay the new service.

On Monday, the chief executives of major airlines said that new 5G service could make a large number of aircrafts unusable, and it could cause chaos for US flights. Major foreign airlines, including Air India and Japan’s biggest airline, AA Holdings, already canceled some US flights because of possible 5G interference. Now, the FAA and airlines must come up with new ways to resolve the concerns permanently.

Difficult words: interference (things that stop something from working), altimeter (an instrument that’s used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level), activate (to start or turn on).

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