Awkwafina at the Golden Globes – level 3

10-01-2020 15:00

Actress Akwafina acted in movies such as “Crazy Rich Asians” and “Ocean’s 8,” and on Sunday, she won a Golden Globe for best actress in the movie “The Farewell.”

This made history, as she is the first woman of Asian descent to win this award. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) classified “The Farewell” as a comedy, but it was also Awkwafina’s first dramatic role. It was one of the most critically acclaimed movies this year, but the HFPA said that it was ineligible for best comedy as more than half of the movie is in Mandarin instead of English.

Difficult words: classify (to define, to say what something is), critically acclaim (to say that something is very good compared to other things), ineligible (not eligible for something).

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