Big Insect Problem – level 3

17-01-2022 15:00

You may not like insects, but all of life on earth needs them to survive.

Birds, fish and reptiles feed on insects, and if there are no insects, they die from hunger. As they die, predators which eat birds, fish and reptiles die, too, which leads to a mass extinction.

Furthermore, insects pollinate most plants which means people cannot grow crops without them.

Insects are very important, so it was a great shock when a report found that the mass of insects is falling by 2.5 per cent a year. If this continues, there will be 25% less insects in just 10 years. If that happens, all of life will be in terrible danger.

There are two answers to why there are less and less insects. It is probably earth’s rising temperatures, as well as the use of chemicals in farming.

Difficult words: mass extinction (the dying of many animals), pollinate (move from plant to plant so that the plant can make new plants), crops (a type of plant which people grow for food).

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