Brazil riots for Bolsonaro – level 3

11-01-2023 15:00

Similar to the US riots in January 2022 for former President Trump, people rioted in January 2023 in Brazil for former President Bolsonaro.

His supporters stormed government buildings because they refused to accept Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva’s election, just like Trump’s supporters didn’t accept Joe Biden’s election.

Similar to Trump, Bolsonaro refused to concede the election, and people have been rioting for Bolsonaro since President Lula won the election in October 2022.

Recently, Brazil announced it had control of the capital. The government and President Lula said they planned to punish the people involved, and police arrested more than 400 people who stormed the capitol, the presidential palace, and the supreme court. Unlike the US riots, no officials were in the buildings. Bolsonaro denounced the riots, and a Brazilian judge told the military to take apart camps of Bolsonaro supporters.

US President Biden said that the country supported Brazil’s democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. Another government official said that the US must not allow Bolsonaro safety in Florida. The US government can remove a person’s visa, but Bolsonaro has a visa for leaders, which ends when a person’s leadership role ends. He came to the US before his role ended.

Difficult words: concede (to stop a fight), denounce (to say something is bad), peaceful transfer of power (the change from one leader to another without war).

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