Bulgaria’s rose industry – level 3

29-05-2024 07:00

Bulgaria is one of the top producers of fragrant rose oil, used in various products and the cosmetics industry.

Last week, farmers were busy harvesting petals about a month earlier than usual due to climate change, which has brought warmer and more humid springs. To make one gram of rose oil, more than 1,000 petals must be picked by hand. Farmers start early because the essential oil content is highest around 7:00 am.

Usually, it takes about three tons of rose flowers to produce one kilogram of rose oil. This year, conditions were more favorable, resulting in better yields. The right combination of heat and humidity is crucial for the quality of the petals and oil. This year’s improved output was due to an unseasonably warm winter and a very warm March. Historians note that roses have been cultivated since the 5th to 3rd Century BC, with the first oil factory opening in 1820.

Difficult words: fragrant (having a pleasant smell), yield (the amount of product produced), cultivate (to grow or raise under conditions you can control).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What factors contributed to the improved output of rose oil in Bulgaria this year, according to the text?


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