Dementia in 2050 – level 3

12-01-2022 07:00

According to experts, dementia will ravage the minds of 153 million people globally in 2050, about three times more than in 2019.

On Thursday, in the Lancet Public Health Journal, a study looked at 195 of the world’s countries and territories, and it showed the rising numbers for public health laws along with successful therapies from drugmakers. The tripling cases of cognitive illnesses that include Alzheimer’s disease is tied to trends in risk including obesity, diabetes, low education, and smoking.

Researchers expect the number of people with dementia to increase in every country globally, regardless of the region. The projections in North Africa and the Middle East are quite large, and it is due to large increases in both population growth and population aging. In Europe and the western world, there is a decrease in the numbers of some dementias, such as vascular dementia, due to the support by health laws. Healthy diets, less alcohol, and stopping smoking are key parts to manage the risk for dementia.

Difficult words: ravage (to cause severe and large damage), cognitive (related to mental activities such as thinking, understanding, or remembering), projection (a forecast of a future situation based on present patterns).

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