First Aid in Acid Attack – level 3

11-07-2022 15:00

Attacks using corrosive liquids are on the rise across the UK, arguably because unlike guns and large knives, they are easy to obtain and legal to keep. Penalties for an acid attack can be lighter, as well.

Acid burns are extremely painful and leave the victim scarred for life. On the Internet, there is a video on what to do if you witness an acid attack. It is essential to act quickly to dilute the acid. Run to the nearest source of water and get ahold of as much as 60 litres of water. Use only clean water, as dirty water can cause severe infection.

Remove all jewellery and clothing that had contact with the acid and keep washing the victim for up to 45 minutes until the burning sensation stops. Do not apply any kind of cream to the affected area and get the victim to a hospital burns unit.

Difficult words: corrosive liquids (acids or bases), arguably (possibly), obtain (get), penalty (punishment for doing something illegal), essential (very important), dilute (water down).

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