India opens Hindu temple – level 2

26-01-2024 07:00

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated a new Hindu temple in Ayodhya. The temple replaced a mosque demolished 30 years ago.

The ceremony was full of rituals and offerings, and many people came to see it. Many consider it an important religious moment. It symbolizes Lord Ram’s return for them. But critics say that Modi planned the event carefully because of the upcoming elections. Workers should complete the temple next year. Historical disputes over Ayodhya started over a century ago, and they escalated in 1992 with the mosque’s destruction. The top court said that it was illegal in 2019 but awarded the land to Hindus. The event brings many emotions, some people celebrate but for others, it brings back bad memories.

Difficult words: inaugurate (to officially start or open something), offering (a gift to a god), dispute (an argument or fight).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Do you think the recent inauguration of a new Hindu temple in Ayodhya symbolizes an important religious moment or was it strategically planned by Prime Minister Modi for upcoming elections?


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