Israeli Government Problems – level 2

20-03-2020 15:00

The Israeli president said that he wants politician Benny Gantz to make a new Israeli government, which puts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in jeopardy.

Gantz and Netanyahu are political enemies. This decision happened after three elections failed to make a new government, and the three men met to work on this issue.

Netanyahu belongs to a political party which won the most seats in the March 2nd election, but it did not get control of the government. The other parties have a majority of 62 seats. They recommended Gantz to be the next prime minister. However, this support is fragmented.

Difficult words: in jeopardy (at risk, in danger), seat (a member in a group in a government; your group is more powerful if it has more seats), majority (a large group), fragmented (in pieces, weak).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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