Legal Action against the UK – level 3

28-11-2019 07:00

The European Union (EU) started legal action against the UK because of its decision not to name a candidate for the EU Commission.

The EU Commission sent a letter of formal notice to the UK, and the UK told it that it did not name anyone due to its upcoming general elections on December 12. British authorities say that the UK does not make nominations for international appointments during this period.

The new EU Commission planned to start on November 1, the day after the UK was scheduled to leave the UK. However, British lawmakers did not approve the Brexit deal, which means that the UK is still a part of the EU, and the European Commission cannot formally start until all member states choose a representative.

The UK has time until November 22 to respond to the notice.

Difficult words: notice (a warning), nomination (the act of choosing a candidate for a job), appointment (the act of giving a job to someone), lawmaker (a person who makes up rules for a country)

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