Migration and EU elections – level 3

31-05-2024 15:00

The EU is preparing for the European Parliament elections from June 6th to 9th, where voters will choose 720 parliamentarians.

The number of lawmakers per member state depends on its population, with Germany having the most at 96 seats. Each EU country must have at least six representatives. These parliamentarians, who mostly belong to one of seven groups, will elect the president of the European Commission. Migration is a key issue in this election, with many migrants dying while trying to reach the EU. The EU has struggled with migration policies and recently passed a law that allows member states to transfer asylum seekers and increase deportations. However, this has raised concerns among rights groups about human rights violations.

Despite new policies, migration remains a hot topic, especially in frontline countries like Greece and Italy. A recent study showed that while migration is not a top concern for most EU voters, it is more significant in countries directly affected by migrant arrivals.

Difficult words: parliamentarian (a member of parliament), deportation (sending people back to their country), frontline (dealing directly with the most dangerous or important part of a situation).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What is the minimum number of representatives each EU country must have in the European Parliament, and what role do these parliamentarians play in electing the president of the European Commission?


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