Online Students Ceremony – level 3

11-05-2020 07:00

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many schools have moved classes online and they canceled traditional graduation ceremonies.

Barack and Michelle Obama are planning a virtual graduation ceremony for those who cannot walk across the stage this spring.

The former US president and first lady announced that they are partnering with Reach Higher and YouTube to host ’Dear Class of 2020’. The event will feature appearances from figures like Condoleeza Rice, the former Secretary of State, and celebrities like Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys.

Barack Obama said that he has always loved being a part of graduation ceremonies. He said that they are the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice, and his wife and he are excited to celebrate and recognize this milestone with the graduates and their families.

Difficult words: graduation ceremony (a formal event at a university at which degrees and diplomas are given to students who have successfully completed their studies), walk across the stage (this refers to walking on a stage to get your diploma when you graduate), culmination (the highest point at the end of an activity or process), milestone (an important point or a significant event in a person’s life).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.