People do not agree with EU migration policy – level 2

01-04-2024 07:00

A recent survey showed that many Europeans are unhappy with the European Union’s migration policy. They want stricter border controls.

The survey took place across 18 member states before European Parliament elections. 51% of respondents have a negative opinion of the EU’s impact on migration policy. Only 16% of respondents have a positive view. Countries like France, Austria, and Hungary have the most negative views. People who support right-wing and far-right parties want stronger border controls.

The survey shows a general opinion across Europe for tougher migration policies.

Difficult words: survey (checking people’s ideas or opinions), policy (ideas or a plan which a government or business follows), respondent (a person who answers questions about a service or product).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What factors may have contributed to the rise of negative views towards the EU's migration policy among certain member states, according to the recent survey results?


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