Red ants in Italy – level 3

23-05-2024 07:00

Dozens of red fire ant nests have been found in Sicily, Italy. These aggressive ants from South America, also known as Solenopsis invicta, are a feared invasive species.

The ants can damage plants by eating their roots, and they attack helpful insects. The EU considers these ants a serious threat. They were first noticed in Europe last year, and now scientists are working to control them. Countries like Brazil, China, and the US spend billions trying to manage these ants; however, they still cause significant damage. The ants probably arrived in Sicily from Brazil, but the exact details are unknown. So far, there hasn’t been major damage, but if the ants spread, agriculture and fruit production could suffer.

The ants thrive in places with water, like gardens and playgrounds. The Sicilian government is taking action, appointing foresters to handle the situation. They use steam machines to destroy ant nests. The goal is to kill the queens to stop the colonies.

Difficult words: invasive (spreading harmfully), thrive (grow well), forester (a person in charge of a forest, or skilled in planting, managing, or caring for trees).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What measures is the Sicilian government taking to control the spread of the invasive red fire ants?


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