Safe Data – level 2

05-03-2020 07:00

The four biggest wireless network operators in the US must pay a fine. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asked them to pay more than $200 million dollars.

The FCC says that these companies did not protect their customers’ data. They gave information about customers’ real-time locations to somebody else. The problem is that customers did not know about it.

An FCC official said that the company T-Mobile could pay the highest fine. The company could pay more than $91 million dollars. In the past, the FCC warned the companies that they must keep their customers’ data safe. However, it did not happen, and the FCC said that the companies were in trouble.

Some officials say that it is very important to keep people’s data safe. They say that it took FCC too long to punish the companies.

Difficult words: the Federal Communications Commission (a special government organization that runs all the ways that people communicate in the USA), fine (money that somebody must pay when he or she break the law), protect (to keep safe), punish (when somebody must do something unpleasant because they broke the law or did something wrong).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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