School Safety Plan – level 3

22-11-2019 07:00

Last week, a school shooting happened at Saugus High School in California, USA, and the school had a detailed safety plan which may have helped the victims immediately.

The school developed the 245-page safety plan in 2018, and the school extended a safety contract with the police in 2019.

People at the school were also trained in lockdown drills and the use of Stop the Bleed kits. Stop the Bleed is a national initiative to train ordinary people to help with bleeding emergencies before professionals arrive.

The safety plan also covered mental health counselors. Counselors are currently working with the school.

Difficult words: extend (to expand, to continue), Stop the Bleed kit (a package of materials to help stop bleeding), initiative (a new program).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.