Women Spacewalk – level 3

23-10-2019 07:00

“Jessica and Christina, we are proud of you. See you when you get home.” With these words, NASA wished good luck to their female astronauts, Christina Koch and Jessica Meir, on their first spacewalk on Friday.

It was the first time for Jessica and the 4th time for Christina, but their first time without men.

Their journey outside the International Space Station began at 6:38 a.m. Central Time. Their mission was to replace a faulty battery unit on the International Space Station.

NASA’s decided to schedule an all-female spacewalk in March, but they changed ideas. There were not enough spacesuits to fit Koch and another astronaut, Anne McClain, so astronaut Nick Hague took McClain’s place. This change had negative feedback on social media.

Friday’s spacewalk was an important event. There have been more than 200 spacewalks for the International Space Station, but only 14 women have been on a spacewalk, and never without men.

Difficult words: faulty (having defects, imperfect), schedule (plan for a date, put in a calendar), feedback (a response, a reaction to a process or activity).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.