Search Result For check

A painting robot – level 3

01-05-2024 15:00

FRIDA the robot is a robotic arm with a...

Dangerous pills – level 1

01-04-2024 15:00

Japanese company Kobayashi Pharmaceutical asks people to return dangerous...

Dangerous pills – level 2

01-04-2024 15:00

Japanese officials told Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to bring back three...

People do not agree with EU migration policy – level 1

01-04-2024 07:00

A new survey says that many Europeans do not...

People do not agree with EU migration policy – level 2

01-04-2024 07:00

A recent survey showed that many Europeans are unhappy...

People breathe bad air – level 2

27-03-2024 07:00

A recent report said that only seven countries worldwide...

App finds breast cancer – level 1

06-03-2024 15:00

Two young women develop a special device. The device...

App finds breast cancer – level 2

06-03-2024 15:00

Two college graduates recently developed a device which could...

App finds breast cancer – level 3

06-03-2024 15:00

Two women recently graduated from the Imperial College London...

Israel Eurovision song – level 1

27-02-2024 07:00

Israel may leave Eurovision. There is a problem with...