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King Salman Visits Indonesia – level 3

07-03-2017 15:00

King Salman, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, visited Indonesia,...

Knife in the Head – level 3

18-11-2016 07:00

Following an argument over a motorbike, a man violently...

Accident at Aberfan – Level 3

02-11-2016 07:00

Fifty years ago, in the small Welsh village of...

Russian Medallists – level 3

29-08-2016 15:00

This is the smile of someone who’s just been...

Burkini in France – level 3

29-08-2016 07:00

It’s rare that an item of clothing sparks such...

Bridge in Germany falls down – level 3

22-06-2016 15:00

This is what’s left of a part of a...

Plane crash in Russia – level 3

17-06-2016 15:00

The pilot of a Russian fighter jet has been...

UPS helps in Rwanda – level 3

17-05-2016 07:00

They already deliver packages, big and small, all over...

Dentist visits an elephant – level 3

13-05-2016 15:00

We’ve all known the pain of a mammoth toothache...

War children of Syria – level 2

16-03-2016 07:00

The war in Syria is now five years old,...