Barbara Bush Dies – level 3

23-04-2018 15:00

In Houston, Texas, Barbara Bush, the former First Lady of US President George H. W. Bush, died at the age of 92. She is one of two women whose husband and son were presidents in the USA, but the only woman to see both sworn in as president.

Barbara supported her husband George’s presidency and went around the world to meet political leaders. She also was a champion for the civil rights movement and education and founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy to help children in poor communities to learn to read and write. She also started a debate for female equality when she spoke at a female university and said that maybe one day a woman would be president and a man would be the spouse.

Difficult words: former (-ex), swear in (officially start a position), champion (someone who fights to get something), literacy (the ability to read and write), spouse (a husband or a wife).

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