People Buy Bad Meat – level 3

03-09-2018 07:00

Maracaibo is city in Venezuela, has been experiencing rolling blackouts for months, as the country endures its worst ever-economic downturn. One housewife said that there were about 16–18 hours of blackouts a day during the week.

With no electricity, it is impossible to refrigerate food, and some shoppers have resorted to buying spoiled meat. The media approached one shopper at a market and he said that the meat was no good, but he did not know what to do except to leave things to God’s will. He added that the meat smelled a little foul, but rinsing it with a little vinegar and lemon would do.

The governor of the affected Venezuelan state said that the blackouts were being repaired, yet they persist.

Difficult words: endure (suffer through something difficult), resort to (turn to doing something because of a serious situation), spoiled (that has gone bad), approach (ask), foul (bad), would do (work instead of something else), affected (experiencing a situation), persist (go on, still exist).

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