Search Result For approach

Parrot Takes GoPro – level 3

23-07-2024 15:00

In New Zealand, the Verheul family was hiking in...

Drones help reforest Brazil – level 3

09-07-2024 15:00

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is utilizing drones in collaboration...

EU countries ban phones in schools – level 3

03-07-2024 07:00

A small cultural revolution is happening at a German...

New rules for sex workers in Belgium – level 3

25-06-2024 15:00

In Belgium, sex workers can now sign job contracts...

AI drones help farmers and the planet – level 2

13-06-2024 15:00

Farmers need to deal with weeds in a more...

A man wants to eat every animal on Earth – level 3

18-04-2024 07:00

In the 1830s, William Buckland, a prominent British scientist,...

Cancer in space – level 3

20-03-2024 07:00

A groundbreaking experiment involving cancer cells sent to space...

AI and politics – level 3

19-03-2024 07:00

Deepfakes, manipulated images, and recordings created by artificial intelligence...

Car park is a farm – level 3

13-03-2024 15:00

Former chef Noah Verin has transformed a car park...

Sweden prepares for war – level 3

16-02-2024 15:00

NATO commences its largest military exercises in decades, named...