Pink diamond – level 1

17-10-2022 07:00

Last week, a pink diamond sells at auction in Hong Kong. The diamond weighs 11.5 carats. Experts say that it costs 21 million dollars. Then the diamond sells for 49.9 million dollars.

The name of the diamond is Williamson Pink Star. The name comes from the names of two very famous pink diamonds.

One diamond is called Williamson. Queen Elizabeth II gets it as a gift. It is for her wedding in 1947.

The second diamond is Pink Star diamond. It weighs 59.6 carats. It sells for 71.2 million dollars in 2017. This price is the highest ever.

Pink diamonds are very rare. They are very expensive. Most pink diamonds weigh less than 10 carats.

Difficult words: auction (a place where people can buy things, and the person who offers the most money, will get the thing), carat (a unit for weight of diamonds, gold, and so on), rare (very unusual).

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