Pink diamond – level 2

17-10-2022 07:00

Last week, a pink diamond called Williamson Pink Star sold in Hong Kong for 49.9 million dollars.

The diamond weighed 11.5 carats, and the estimated price was 21 million dollars. It was the second largest pink diamond ever sold at auction, and it set a new record for the price per one carat. Less than 3% of all diamonds are colored diamonds, and only 5% of them are pink. Pink diamonds are very rare and expensive. Usually they are very small, and they don’t weigh more than 10 carats.

Williamson Pink Star diamond has its name after two famous pink diamonds. One of them is Williamson diamond, which weighed 23.6 carats, and Queen Elizabeth II got it as a wedding gift. The second one is Pink Star diamond which weighed 59.6 carats, and it sold for 71.2 million dollars at auction in 2017.

Difficult words: carat (a unit for weight of diamond, gold, or jewels), estimate (to give an opinion about the price of something), rare (very unusual).

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